《Long live》[4句]
Taylor Swift
- I'm not afraid 我无所畏惧 Singing long live all the mountains we moved 歌唱着不朽!那些我们一起挪移的山峦 I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you 在生命的时光里与你共同抗击邪恶 And long, long live the look on your face 永远长存!就让那一瞬间就美好,停留在你脸上 0 0 0
- Long live the walls we crashed through 万岁! 我们并肩穿越困难艰险 How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you 整个王国的光芒只为你我闪耀 I was screaming Long live all the magic we made 我在大声呼喊着万岁,那些我们一起创造的奇迹 And bring on all the pretenders 让那些小人都来吧 One day we will be remembered 总有一天我们会被世人铭记 0 0 0
- You held your head like a hero 你如英雄一般昂首挺胸 On a history book page 被印在史册上 It was the end of a decade 这是一个年代的末篇 But the start of an age 却又是一个世纪的开端 0 0 0
- Hold on to spinning around 坚持住,直到那一刻,世界为你旋转 Confetti falls to the ground 五彩缤纷的纸屑,漫天飞舞 May these memories break our fall 就让记忆里的美好,扶持着我们,不再坠落 0 0 0