Julie Plec《初代吸血鬼(The Originals)》是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,由哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品。由Chris Grisme任导演,丹尼尔·吉里斯, 约瑟夫·摩根主演。该剧讲述了初代吸血鬼的家族成员尼克劳斯、以利亚和丽贝卡三兄妹返回新奥尔良定居后,并与其之前的门徒马赛尔开始统治权争夺和地区女巫斗争的惊险故事。该剧于2013年10月3日首播。
尼克劳斯(吸血鬼始祖与狼人的混血)在新奥尔良回到他的过去, 得到一个对他正在酝酿阴谋的神秘提示下, 尼克劳斯回到了那个他和他家人帮助建立起的美国南方大城,新奥尔良(New Orleans)。尼克劳斯的疑惑导致了他和他前门徒马赛尔的团聚, 马赛尔是一个对新奥尔良所有人类与超自然生物有着绝对控制权的魅力吸血鬼。以利亚(吸血鬼始祖,尼克劳斯的哥哥)决心想要帮助他的弟弟尼克劳斯找到救赎, 他追随着尼克劳斯并很快发现海莉(狼人)也来到了这个法国区寻找她家族历史的线索但是她落在了一个强大的女巫苏菲手上。 而此时尼克劳斯发誓要在新奥尔良夺回属于自己的权力,取代前任,成为这里的王者。
- I value my family above everything. 我最珍视的仍是家人。 0 0 0
- God wasn't powerful because he was right.He was right because he was powerful. 上帝不是因为有道理才强大,而是因为她强大了才有道理。 0 0 0
- Don't make promises you can't keep. 守不住的承诺就别说。 0 0 0
- You didn't make it easy to love you ,brother.爱你是一件很不容易的事,弟弟。 0 0 0
- 被诅咒,说的就是我们。 0 0 0
- 守不住的承诺就别说。 0 0 0
- What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts,who he loved art and music.I wanted to be just like you.How could you have fallen so far? 你到底怎么了?我还记得那个时常逗我笑,送我礼物的少年,他热爱艺术和音乐。我曾经想要成为像你一样的人。你怎么会堕落至此? 0 0 0
- Sound thinking but small thinking!听上去不错,但是目光短浅! 0 0 0
- They say the passage of time will heal all wounds,but the greater the loss,the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. 人们说时间能愈合一切伤口,但是损失越大,伤痕越深,再度变完整就变得愈加困难。 0 0 0
- So as time moves along, we get lost in distractions, act out in frustration, react with aggression, give in to anger. 所以随着时间流逝,我们迷失在琐碎的烦心事中,表现出沮丧之情,做出暴力好斗的行为,让愤怒控制自己。 0 0 0
- 或许我们会建起白色的篱笆,那一定很可爱。 0 0 0
- Eternity is an awfully long time. 永恒是一段很长的时间。 0 0 0
- I have lived a lot longer than you, Marcellus. I have seen kings rise and fall. If there is one thing I know to be true is no matter how big your empires become, it is nothing if you have no one to share with. 0 0 0
- 没有人在伤害我的家人后还会安然无恙,只要我还活着,我就会不惜一切代价去保护他们! 0 0 0
- Our home is worthless without family. 房子没有家人就一文不值。 0 0 0
- 没有更糟就没有更好。 0 0 0
- You are not alone,we are here,we are with you. Always and forever,till the forever end. 0 0 0
- 人们说时间能愈合一切伤口,但损失越大…伤口越深,再度变得完整就越加困难,疼痛感也许会淡去…但伤疤提醒我们曾经的痛苦,让受过痛苦的人越加下定决心…再也不要受伤,随着时间逝去,我们迷失在琐碎的烦心事中,表现出挫败沮丧之情,做出暴力好斗的行为,让愤怒控制自己,一直以来…我们做出计划,等待变强的一刻,等我们意识到时间的时候…我们已经痊愈了,准备好重新开始了。 0 0 0
- It isthat no matter how big your empire becomes, it is noting if you have no one toshare it with. 那就是无论你的王国有多庞大,无人与你分享的话,那些都是虚无。 0 0 0
- The pain may fade, but scar serves as a reminder of our suffering, and make the bearer all the more resolved, never to be wounded again. 疼痛感也许会淡去,但伤痕会提醒我们曾经的痛苦,使受伤害者更加下定决定,再也不要受伤。 0 0 0
- 我的调画板上缺少了一种颜色,那就是敌人的鲜血。 0 0 0
- 就算我们的天真所剩无几,我们仍要全力去捍卫它。 0 0 0
- Even when all seems burnt to ash,in our story,there is always another chapter to be told. 即使一切化为灰烬,在我们的故事里,总会有另一篇章被传颂于世。 0 0 0
- There is no power in love. Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. If I’mever going to win this war, I have to do it alone. 爱无法给人力量,仁慈让人软弱、家人让人软弱。我想要赢得这场战争,我必须孤身奋战。 0 0 0
- Niklaus,Sometimes our sister acts without thinking.She is short of temper.She's quick to fall in love, but she loves you. 尼克劳斯,有时候我们的妹妹做事不经大脑。她脾气火爆。她很容易坠入爱河,但她很爱你。 0 0 0
- I will fight for my family until my last breath. 我会为我的家人斗争到最后一刻。 0 0 0
- 家族就是力量。爱、忠诚,是力量的源泉。 0 0 0
- I was certain that Klaus meant to kill me,but he never really did at all.Maybe somewhere deep down.He still is the brother we once knew. 我确信克劳斯是真的想杀我,但是他没有真的这么做。也许在內心深处,他仍是我们曾熟悉的兄弟。 0 0 0
- 你要展示真实的自己,不然没人会尊重你。 0 0 0
- Tristan…if I have to burn the world to drain the oceans, I will find you. 特瑞斯坦,就算要烧毁全世界来蒸干海水,我也要找到你。 0 0 0
- 有时候,即使是最糟糕的结局, 也不是真正的结局。 即使我们的故事看起来灰飞烟灭, 永远都会有新的篇章。 0 0 0
- You say despise Rebekah for her betrayal.And yet no one has stood by your side for so long,not even I myself.Perhaps it's you that forgotten.你说你鄙视丽贝卡的背叛,但没人比她支持你的时间更长了,连我都比不上。也许是你忘了。 0 0 0
- 事情不会过去,仍然留在我们之间,一则我们自己讲述的故事,所以我们知道自己是谁。 0 0 0
- 在我漫长的生命中,我一直相信:我们的命运与血亲相连。虽然我们无法选择家人,但这份血缘会成为我们强大的力量,或是我们最真切的悔恨,印象中我一生都在被这个不争的事实困扰着。 0 0 0
- My home, my family, my rules 我的家园、我的家族、我的规矩。 0 0 0