- 不管怎么样,我还是想知道 你正在做什么,要去往何方 0 0 0
- 世界是一场迷雾。然后世界又微眇,广袤,澄澈。潮汐或涨或落。 0 0 0
- 唯有孤独恒常如新。 0 0 0
- 是因为缺少想象力才使我们离家 远行,来到这个梦一样的地方? 0 0 0
- A world in Inverted Into that world inverted, Where left is always right, Where the shadows are really the body, Where we stay awake all night, Where the heavens are shallow, As the sea is now deep, And you love me 0 0 0