- 世界上最动听的话不是我爱你。 而是你的肿瘤是良性的。 0 0 0
- I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100. 我参加了一次存在主义的考试。我一个答案都没写,结果得了100分。 0 0 0
- If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative. 如果你不是经常失败,这表明你做的事情没有什么创新性。 0 0 0
- 年轻的时候,我认为我肯定能成为伟大的艺术家,但我现在并不是。我有我的局限性。但是你知道,即便你自身有局限性,只要你尽了全力,只要你不出卖自己,不被不值得的东西收买,你仍然可以过上美好的生活。你不必一生都鞭挞自己,你又不是达芬奇,我也不是。 0 0 0
- The most beautiful words in the English language aren't "I love you" but "it's benign." 最动听的话不是“我爱你”,而是“它是良性的”。 0 0 0
- [cp]爱意味着折磨,为了不受折磨你就不要去爱,但你又会受到无爱的折磨,所以爱是折磨,不爱又是折磨,折磨就是折磨。为了快乐还是去爱,于是快乐也成了折磨,但是折磨使人不快乐,所以为了不快乐,你就要去爱,用爱带来折磨或者因为太 0 0 0
- The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers. 我和我老婆唯一一次同时获得高潮是在法官签署离婚文件时。 0 0 0
- 人似乎分为好人和坏人。好人睡得好一些,而坏人似乎能更好地享受醒着的时间。 0 0 0
- 免费的性是最贵的 0 0 0
- - 达到一心的学生才可以二用。 0 0 0
- If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. 如果你想逗上帝发笑,就把你的计划告诉他。 0 0 0
- 世上大体分成好坏两种人,好人晚上睡得踏实,而坏人更享受醒着的时间。 0 0 0
- Our lives consist of how we choose to distort it. 我们的生活取决于我们选择用什么样的方法去扭曲它。 0 0 0
- I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens. 我不怕死,我只是不想在我死的时候在场。 0 0 0
- 我努力不去预测大众的态度,避免倾向于那些简单随意的,大众娱乐的东西。 0 0 0
- 我们生活在一个过分纵容的社会中,色情产品从来不像现在这样遍地都是,而且那种电影里的照明真是差劲!我们是缺乏明确目标的人,从来没能学会去爱。我们缺少领袖和一致的计划,没有精神中心,在宇宙中随波逐流,出于挫折感和痛苦,互相施以骇人听闻的暴力。幸好,我们还没有失去分寸感。总而言之,未来显然机会无限,也有陷阱,窍门在于避开陷阱,抓住机会,并在6点钟前回家。 0 0 0
- The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have. 欣赏和喜欢你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西,你才能快乐。 0 0 0
- You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred. 如果你放弃所有让你想活到一百岁的东西,你就可以活到一百岁。 0 0 0
- My brain: it's my second favorite organ. 0 0 0
- I hate reality but it's still the best place to get a good steak. 我讨厌现实,但这仍然是获得一块好牛排的最佳地方。 0 0 0
- I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment. 0 0 0
- I did not marry the first girl that I fell in love with, because there was a tremendous religious conflict, at the time. She was an atheist, and I was an agnostic. 我没有娶我的初恋情人,因为当时我们之间有严重的宗教冲突。她是个无神论者,而我则是个不可知论者。 0 0 0
- 我不想通过我的作品达到不朽,我想通过不死来达到。我不想活在人们心里,我想活在我的公寓里。 0 0 0
- If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse. 如果上帝存在,我希望他有一个好的借口。 0 0 0
- There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? 生活中有比死亡更糟糕的事。你曾经和一个保险经纪人共度过一个晚上吗? 0 0 0
- I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't want. 我不知道我想要什么,但我知道我不想要什么。 0 0 0
- Don't think of death as an ending. Think of it as a really effective way of cutting down your expenses. 不要把死亡视为末日。把它看作削减开支的真正有效的方法。 0 0 0
- 欣赏和喜欢你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西,你才能快乐。 0 0 0
- Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in my bath and she'd come in and sink my boats. 总的来说,我老婆不太成熟。我在家洗澡时,她总是来把我的船弄沉。 0 0 0
- 如果你不是经常遇到挫折,这表明你做的事情没有很大的创新性 0 0 0