I think you should head off to China or India or wherever and find yourself, and I'll get on quite happily with things here. I don't want to come with you, I don't want weekly postcards, I don't even want your phone number. I don't want to get married and have your babies either, or even have another fling.
0 0 0 1 复制 二维码 《One Day》
- 我很孤独,但我并不孤单。 0 0 0
- 「我爱你,我只是不再喜欢你了」 0 0 0
- 静观这所有的悲喜 都溶进灿烂星空里 感觉这一刻和千年本没有分别 一天就好像是短暂的一生 一生它只是无尽的路上 短暂的一天 0 0 0
- 有朝一日,沉湎于感官、欢愉和自我的生活多半将变得枯槁,但在这之前我们仍有大把的行乐时间。 0 0 0
- Call me or I'll call you, but one of us will call, yes? What I mean is it's not a competition. You don't lose if you phone first. 0 0 0
- 我非常爱你,我只是不再喜欢你了,对不起。 0 0 0
- Dexter:燛m, listen. If I could just give you one gift, alright? One gift for the rest of your life, do you know what I'd give you? Dexter:烫onfidence. It's either that or a scented candle. 0 0 0
- I love you, Dexter, so much. I just don't like you anymore. 0 0 0
- 我想要的,不只是一夜,或是一天。 0 0 0
- 现在,就是此时此刻,我需要你,我需要感觉到你,我需要被你爱被你关怀。 0 0 0
- 一天,总有一天,会有一天的。 好久好久没有这样的感受。 0 0 0
- 这么多年,这么多人经过我的生活,可是为什么偏偏是你,看起来好像最应该是过客的你,在我心中占据了这么重的地位。 现在,就是此时此刻,我需要你,我需要感觉到你,我需要被你爱被你关怀。 我想要的,不只是一夜,或是一天。 0 0 0
- 我还妄想大展身手 到头来还不是默默无闻 I thought I'd make a difference,but no one knows I'm here 0 0 0
- 我想找个人说说话 不是找个人 就想和你说 It's just I need to speak to someone. Not someone. You 0 0 0
- Steven:燛xcept to say, that I think the best thing that you could do would be to try to live your life as if Emma was still here. Don't you? Dexter:营 don't know if I can Steven:燨f course you can. What do you think I've been doing for the past ten years? 0 0 0
- 我以为我能忘记你 0 0 0
- I still love,but I just do not like you anymore. 我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀,可我也不再对你满怀期待. 0 0 0
- 有件事我以前从没想过,但是那事又在那等着、藏着。我以前也恨你,真心很恨的那种,Dexter 不 对不起 但是... 因为,她一想到你就高兴,是那种跟我一起从来没有过的高兴,这让我很愤怒,因为…我觉得你配不上她 可以这样说吗? -没事,继续说。 -她让你过得更好。反过来,你让她更开心,非常开心,我会一直为此感谢你的。 0 0 0
- 我爱你,很深很深,只是不再那么喜欢你了… 0 0 0
- 我一直在等海报中的画面出现,终于在影片的最后我看到了这一幕,只是,太心酸 0 0 0
- 我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀,可是我对你的一切已经再也没有了期待 0 0 0
- “I love you .Dex. so much. l just don't like you anymore” 〃我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀, 但不再对你满怀期待〃 0 0 0
- 我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀,但不再对你满怀期待。 0 0 0
- I want a child with the man I loved 0 0 0
- whatever happens tomorrow,we have today. 0 0 0
- Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today. And if we should bump into each other sometime in the future, well that's fine too. We'll be friends. 0 0 0
- 我爱你,德克斯特,那么深,只是我不再喜欢你了。 0 0 0
- 你认为严酷、灰暗、沉闷才是生活的本色,同样也厌恨自己的工作、身处的地方,没有成就、没有钱都理所应当。你甚至在失落感和挫败感中寻求乐趣。失败和不开心对你而言更容易承受,你甚至苦中作乐。你对生活感到迷茫,没有方向,掌不住舵、划不动桨,不过不要紧,24岁就是这样 0 0 0
- 所有的事业都有起有落 这不过是个低谷而已 Every career has its ups and downs. This is just a bloody great down 0 0 0
- 多少人以友谊的名义,爱着一个人. 0 0 0